Joy And Trauma

A few years ago a Facebook friend who turned out to not be very friendly made some comments on some photos of me playing the flute in some indigenous community in Chiapas. She said that I played classical music that those people probably could not understand. I told her I... [Read More]

Gynmopedia On Mate

I play the solo quenacho flute to aid contemplation, to cure a headache and sometimes in my yoga classes during the relaxation. Recently, while traveling, a person was listening to me play by the beach. She was very grateful and told me that she had been depressed and that the... [Read More]


“The apparition of these faces in the crowd: Petals on a wet, black bough.” [Read More]


A mystic seeks some higher, absolute and enduring truth and declares the world as something that must be transcended. Suffering the loss of what is near and dear in the relative, ever-changing world propells more conscious beings to renounce blind attachments and fleeting desires to find something higher, or at... [Read More]

In The Desert

Human life is always at balance between inferiority and superiority complexes. We make so many mistakes based on such complexes, dominating others or submitting to the domination of others. However, one day we have to wake up, have true confidence and be more authentic without these games of inferiority or... [Read More]

The Inward Mirror

I had just gotten off of the train in Berlin. I was waiting for a friend who had been talking to two German girls and was exchanging addresses with them. While waiting for him a punk with a blue mohawk approaches me and asks if I had a cigarette. I... [Read More]

White Trash

People are essentially the same everywhere. Only externally we appear so different. Everywhere you go in the world you find the same basic virtues as well as the same scandals. Human beings create the same gods and devils all around the globe. Perhaps the particular society in which one lives... [Read More]

The Way

When I began to practice yoga at the age of 21 all of the spiritual ideas that had attracted me toward some spiritual path began to make sense to me. I began to see in a more clear light all of the good Christian ideas that I was exposed to... [Read More]


For those who follow the blog by email or a feed reader like Feedbro, the feed has been updated to [Read More]

The Varieties Of Microvita

Anandamurti spoke of Microvita in several different aspects. He described the grossest forms of Microvita involved in the materialization and manipulation of material forces as well as the most subtle forms of microvita that function on the psycho-spiritual planes of being. The focus of this work will principally be on... [Read More]

Collective Evolution

“The harmful internal consequences of over-industrialization not only affect the personal, social and national health of the people, they also precipitate gradual individual and collective psychic degeneration. A type of psychic epidemic may arise which can poison almost all expressions of life and destroy them. This may not happen today,... [Read More]

Why Is This Evil Upon Us? 2021 Revision

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We have started the work of planting organic coffee. A friend suggested that I should build a cabin for tourists who would like to visit an organic coffee farm. I think tourists would need something more to do in the local area than just visit a farm. However, El Triunfo... [Read More]

The Flight Of The Quetzal

I was initiated into a Rajadhiraja Tantra Yoga tradition when I was a student in Austin in 1993. I adopted a very healthy vegetarian lifestyle without drugs and alcohol. Within a few months the kundalini began with what would be a very long and intense awakening. As a student of... [Read More]

The Timeless Tattoo

Stavrogin: the Apocalypse the angel swears that there´ll be no more time.Kirillov: I know. It´s quite true, it´s said very clearly and exactly. When the whole of man has achieved happiness, there won´t be any time, because it won´t be needed. It´s perfectly true.Stavrogin: Where will they put it... [Read More]

Discernment And Depression

Excerpt from Anahata  In the phase of involution, Shiva, the infinite consciousness, has been transformed by his immortal consort Shakti, the divine creative energy, into all that is in this universe. Shiva is the material cause of the universe, Shakti is the efficient cause.  Shiva is pure light.  Shakti is gravity... [Read More]


A Name To The Nameless - First work from 1995. A psychological and philosophical explaination of the practice of Tantra Yoga. [Read More]

Pleasures, Habits, Addictions And The 5 "M" of Tantra

A friend writes to me the other day and asks how he can leave behind some worldly habits that prevent him from being able to dedicate himself to meditation. They are common habits that many people enjoy but that serious meditators have left behind. So, if many other people have... [Read More]

Form And Formless

Nothing in this universe is an accident, all is incident. The closer our meditation moves toward the First Cause of OM, the more we see the universe as the dream of the Supreme Consciousness instead of a series of disconnected accidents in alienated minds. What seemed like accidents were but... [Read More]

The Manipura Vortex

Excerpt from A Name To The Nameless            The Svadhistana Vortex’s main function is to secure the emerging sense of identity from the womb of unconsciousness and blind instinct, which characterize the pre-conscious and pre-human mind at the Muladhara, Sensory Mind.  Once a secure base for the personality is established... [Read More]

The Elite Pseudoculture

In the 90‘s I lived in a spiritual community in rural Missouri where many members were from India. The locals would come and shoot their rifles at us, try to burn down our buildings and shout “Sand Niggers!” (which is actually a racist term for Arabs, but what does a... [Read More]

The Perennial Philosophy

Excerpt from A Name To The Nameless There has never been nor will there ever be a more exalted inspiration than the realization of the oneness of the human soul with the Infinite Being. This is an ever-renewing germ of thought in the perennial philosophy that will sprout wherever there... [Read More]

Psorax Revisited

Anybody who has looked into the abyss of his or her consciousness knows that the abyss looks back at you, as Nietzsche said. The unconscious mind is a very live and active zoo of escaped animals raging about in pure chaos and savagery. Does their years of pent-up frustration make... [Read More]

Frogs and Fugues

Desert rains abate. Now crickets join frogs in fugues.We dug our trenches, collecting water for trees,birds, insects, and animals all around.Our home is an island of hope for many now.But now the world and its interests encroach.May spirit and nature protect us all.How can any evil out-live this eternal creation... [Read More]

A Frameless Photo

To see the world as a frameless photoand wander through the night,or submit to sweet affections for earthly formcaressed in the light of the known.Can we endure Your darknessand pass by the light from these wanderer’s innsensconsed from this dark forest?Into many such places have we wandered,been visitors in tidy... [Read More]

A Requiem

It was a Sunday with my friends on the ranch. A man from the local village arrived on a 4-wheeled motorcycle. He was a person that did some occasional work for us. He was very drunk and came to ask me for money. I denied him but he implored. I... [Read More]

The Eye of the Infinite

The infinite being is beyond name and form yet bestows name and form to all things. Nothing exists apart from the causal matrix, the fundamental fractal that divides its very own Self so as to create the universe by infinite self division. Creation is the division and fragmentation of the... [Read More]

A Marriage of Sense To Soul

This evening my soul poured out and into all things, leaving this empty, lonely vessel, and was filledwith an infinite, ever-flowing stream.My soul poured out, reeling and roaring into everything.Ceased of breath, I am; empty of form in a diaphanous blue immensity,in the gentle frolic of the evening wind,in the... [Read More]

A Bridge To The Infinite

Anandamurti reintroduced the old tantric concept of “Taraka Brahma.” Taraka means “bridge,” and Brahma is “infinite consciousness” and so Taraka Brahma is the bridge to the infinite entity of Brahma. Taraka Brahma is the point just between the unmanifested infinite ocean of Brahma (Nirguna Brahma) and the manifested creation, or... [Read More]

The Debate

6 months before the Purulia Arms Drop I participated in an Ananda Marga debate about whether terrorism could ever be justified. Ananda Marga was a pacific revolutionary organization that denounced both the materialistic philosophies of capitalism as well as communism. The focus of the ideology was primarily on yoga and... [Read More]

Universal Tantra

“Brahma alone is the guru.” This saying from the Upanishads represents a very universal conception of the deity. Brahma literally means that which is great and makes others great. In other words, Brahma is the Consciousness of the Macrocosm, of the entire universe. The guru is none other than the... [Read More]

The Liberation Of Desire

Sexuality is one of the least understood aspects of human life. All have this desire, but few people seem to find a healthy solution to sexual conflicts. There is so much suffering caused by blind sexuality. So many women are abandoned with children by men whose animal instincts soon pull... [Read More]

Aghora Tantra

This is a version of A Requiem that I wrote for some old yogi friends.  During these adventures there was a parallel  drama that was occurring simultaneously.  I felt this parallel drama had too much synchronicity to seem believable if it were included in “A Requiem”, and so I include... [Read More]