A mystic seeks some higher, absolute and enduring truth and declares the world as something that must be transcended. Suffering the loss of what is near and dear in the relative, ever-changing world propells more conscious beings to renounce blind attachments and fleeting desires to find something higher, or at least relate to what is relative and temporal in a more sensible and compassionate manner. Reading the works of sages and mystics of East and West one finds two main and opposings views of the relative, created world. Some see is as something to be renounced and never to look back upon while others see it as something to turn back to because it is redeemable and there is some deep meaning to be realized within it. The former tend to be pessimistic philosophies and often remove one from any joy in existence.

I have had a few friends on the spiritual path who, when they were suffering some great loss or frustrated desire, chose the nihilistic outlook even though they had some spiritual understanding. “Yes the spirit is real but this world is just suffering and there is no happiness here.” I recently told one such friend that he was denying the validity of the world but at the same time was making his demands upon god to fulfill his desires here. When it does not work out and when god cannot be extolled, then god becomes some kind of wicked entity working against him. I said that some god is not to blame for the frustration of relative desires that are already based in suffering and separateness. A desperate being with some blind impulse wants to impose his desires on the world and when it does not work out there is even greater despair and god is to blame? The mind alienated from Consciousness is so shrewd and powerful and manipulates in so many ways. What else but chaos could possibly manifest when it is driven by blind, unconscious impulses? Might it have been different is the desire was more conscious and if one checks to see if the Tao, or intelligent force behind the universe, is backing up such a desire.

The supreme consciousness is within us. It is evolving through us. Our lives are so much greater than we can possibly conceive. Each life is the result of billions of years of evolution through so many forms of life- plant, reptile, animal- their DNA is within us and our DNA is simply stacked on top of theirs. Where did this impulse come from and where is it going? Humans gave a clearly reflected consciousness. We can ask ourselves where our consciousness comes from, from where the notion of “I exist” has its origins. Mystics of all times and places have realized the perennial philosophy of the union of the individual soul with the supreme soul. There is no escape from human existence and the relative world. Blind impulse only binds one toward suffering while attempting to escape the world also creates suffering and emptiness. To find union with the infinite one must move with life and evolution and flow toward the One.

I am on the side of optimism regarding the relative world. Being here in time and space and on this planet at this point in time is important and it has a great purpose that is capable of being understood. One can discover the laws of existence in the universe and walk in harmony with them. Certainly there are desires that are a complete waste of time and only lead to degeneration (perhaps the majority of them in this materialistic time). However, one´s truest desires are one what needs to evolve and eventually reach the spirit. If spirit is behind life and evolution then spirit will take care of and fulfill such desires. If one seeks a love that is to truly unify with others and make oneself more whole, then such a desire will be fulfilled by spirit because they are eventually for the realization of the spirit. The infinite unity of spirit can be expressed in the relative world by love and compassion towards all beings. If one seeks a lower form of impulsive, selfish love and is frustated and despairs, then that is actually a good thing. It was an impossible situation, anyway. Hopefully, one can realize how suffering is a self-spun invention, let go and be led.